Mr. Abid Hussain

Mr. Abid Hussain is currently leading an action area at ICIMOD with the aim of fostering policy and institutional changes to facilitate smooth transitions towards sustainable, low-carbon, and circular economic models. The focus of this initiative revolves around several key aspects, such as improving regulatory frameworks, promoting high-value niche products from mountain regions, integrating various livelihood activities like agriculture, yak pastoralism, and tourism with emerging income sources. Additionally, the initiative seeks to empower youth and women by equipping them with digital technology skills, exposing them to new markets, and integrating them into the workforce to tap into emerging opportunities.

Mr. Hussain is also a researcher and policy expert who focuses on various aspects of mountain agriculture, food and nutrition security, agrobiodiversity, and climate change adaptation. He also supervises a group within the Livelihoods Theme, providing them technical guidance on sampling designs, quantitative research methods, and econometric analysis related to social and economic aspects of livelihoods. His work aims to address challenges faced by mountain communities and promote sustainable development in these regions.

His efforts are dedicated to protecting the pulse of the planet by focusing on the socioeconomic dimension of development in mountain regions. His research work aims to gain a deeper understanding of the multidimensionality and complexity of mountain food and nutrition security. His research also explores the diversity and resilience of agricultural systems in these regions, especially concerning their ability to cope with climatic, socioeconomic, and other risks.

Additionally, his work extends to studying non-agricultural income opportunities that can contribute to strengthening food security in mountain communities. The research outputs from his work play a vital role in informing policies, strategies, and programs related to sustainable development and food security in mountainous areas.

Mr. Abid Hussain’s extensive qualifications, expertise, and passion for sustainable development make him an invaluable asset in the pursuit of protecting the pulse of the planet and fostering resilient mountain economies. His commitment to improving the livelihoods and well-being of mountain communities serves as an inspiration for others working towards similar goals in the development sector.