1. Overview of Energy Policies

It focuses on formulating and implementing robust energy policies in Nepal to facilitate the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources. By developing comprehensive regulatory frameworks, incentives, and support mechanisms, the conference aims to create an enabling environment for renewable energy investments, address barriers to entry, and promote sustainable energy practices across the country.

  • Policy and regulation for renewable energy
  • International cooperation and agreements
  • Carbon pricing and emission reduction strategies
  • Energy security and resilience
  • Economics of renewable energy

2. Necessity of Energy Infrastructure Development

The conference highlights the critical need for advancing energy infrastructure development in Nepal. It explores strategies to enhance the resilience, reliability, and efficiency of energy systems, with a particular emphasis on renewable energy solutions and decentralized models. Discussions revolve around integrating renewable energy into the existing grid, promoting off-grid solutions, and leveraging innovative technologies to establish a resilient energy infrastructure that can support Nepal’s development goals.

  • Energy mix and diversification
  • Infrastructure and grid development
  • Energy storage technologies
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Energy access and equity

3. Renewable Energy and Environment

The theme underscores the pivotal role of renewable energy in Nepal’s environmental conservation efforts and climate change mitigation. Participants explore the environmental benefits of transitioning to clean energy sources, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and minimized ecological impacts. The conference aims to raise awareness about the positive environmental outcomes of renewable energy deployment and encourage sustainable practices that protect Nepal’s unique ecosystems and natural resources.

  • Renewable energy and ecosystem services
  • Energy and environmental justice
  • Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Energy efficiency and conservation
  • Technology and innovation in renewable energy

4. Prospects of Energy Transition

Focusing on the transition from conventional energy sources to renewable energy, this theme delves into the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of Nepal’s energy transformation. Discussions center around strategies to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies, assess the socioeconomic impacts of this transition, and identify opportunities for job creation and local economic development. The conference aims to foster collaboration among stakeholders and provide actionable insights to guide a successful and inclusive energy transition in Nepal.

  • Utilization of Wind and Solar Energy in developing countries
  • Infrastructure development of hydropower technologies
  • Prospects of Bioenergy
  • Alternative Fuels and Technologies
  • The role of energy diplomacy in energy transition